Asli nginep di hotel ini serasa lagi sailing di laut!

Dari suara ombak yang bikin tenang✅
Pemandangan sunset yang indah✅
Bentuk hotel unik✅

Unforgettable banget asli hotel ini dan wajib untuk divisit!

📍 @lecliffbali , Uluwatu , Bali.

Kalian suka ga nginep pinggir laut? Next perlu request hotel apa lagi gengs? Komen ya!

Video by @thewaytowherever
Video location: Bali, Indonesia
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Ini tempatnya di tabanan ya guys, tepatnya di Br. Bolangan Ds. Babahan, Penebel.

Nama tempatnya Wahana Sambhrama Ashram,
Buka setiap hari jam 09.00 – 17.00 wita

Tempatnya recommended bgt.

Kalian bisa kumpul bareng keluarga / sahabat dan bisa adain acara juga lho Guys di WSA Bali, seperti: ulang tahun, gathering, arisan, reunian, dll

*Harga Tiket Masuk*
Dewasa : Rp 25.000
Anak : Rp 15.000
Sudah Termasuk: spot foto, kolam renang anak & dewasa, playground, gazebo (sesuai ketersediaan)

*Harga Tiket Terusan*
Dewasa : Rp 55.000
Anak : Rp 40.000
Sudah Termasuk : spot foto, kolam renang anak & dewasa, playground, gazebo (sesuai ketersediaan), free 1x adventure bebas pilih swing/flying fox/skybike

Ig. @wahanasambhramaashram


Hallo guys selamat datang di

kami merupakan provider wisata Trail Adventure di Pulau dewata Bali.

Untuk anda yang sedang berlibur ke Bali, rasanya tak lengkap tanpa menjelajah pulau dewata menggunakan motocross.

Pulau dewata Bali memiliki sejuta keindahan yang mempesona siapapun.

Teruntuk anda pendatang dari Bandung, Jakarta, Bogor dan sekitarnya kami sangat merekomendasikan kegiatan ini,

Anda dapat memilih Paket wisata Trail Adventure di Bali bersama kami.

Dengan unit yang terawat, team leader berpengalaman, serta safety yang baik kegiatan ini sangat rekomended untuk anda.

Fasilitas Wisata Trail Adventure Bali

  • Antar Jemput (cangu, Kuta, Seminyak, Ubud, Denpasar)
  • Mineral water/orang
  • Full Safety Gear (Helm, Sepatu, Body protect, Lutut, Sikut, Jersey dalam jumlah terbatas)
  • Meeting point Tabanan (Toilet, Tempat Bilas, Handuk bersih/orang)

Untuk anda yang ingin melaksanakan kegiatan Trail di Bali, kami memiliki banyak fasilitas dan benefit untuk anda.

Jujur, kami tak ingin anda repot-repot, anda hanya perlu menikmati seluruh kegiatan yang kami sajikan.

Jika anda sudah tiba di pulau Bali, anda hanya tinggal menghubungi team Ex Adventure.

Maka kami akan menjemput anda langsung di penginapan ataupun di hotel.

dan, Kami tidak memikirkan minimum jumlah pax karena bagi kami 1 orang pun adalah client yang harus kami layani dengan baik.

Untuk itulah kami sudah menyiapkan team leader untuk anda.

Dengan begitu kegiatan anda akan lebih nyaman didampingi expert team leader kami.

Team leader akan mengarahkan anda serta mengedukasi mengenai safety raiding menggunakan motocross.

Selama anda mengikuti arahan team leader maka kegiatan akan lebih nyaman dan aman demi keselamatan anda.

Estimasi Rundown Full Trek Kintamani, The Black Lava Trail Adventure

Bagi anda yang memilih kegiatan full day di Kintamani, maka anda akan kami jemput di hotel pada pagi hari.

Kami harap anda sudah siap secara fisik, seperti tidak begadang, sudah fresh dan sarapan pagi.

Selanjutnya anda akan kami antar menuju kawasan Kintamani.

Siapa yang tak kenal kawasan nan eksotis ini?

Sebuah kawasan indah di Pulau Dewata yang takan ada duanya.

Sekira pukul 10:00 anda akan langsung diajak menunggangi Kuda Besi.

Kami memiliki 2 pilihan yaitu KLX 150cc atau YZ 250 Buildup.

Anda akan diajak menyusuri kawasan pegunungan black Lava, View Danau Batur dan hutan dikawasan Kintamani.

Jika sudah tiba jam makan siang, anda akan kami ajak menikmati makan siang yang nikmat di Resto Batur Sari Kintamani.

Resto ini memiliki view yang indah dengan konsep makanan All U can eat.

Anda bisa memikmati semua makanan yang disajikan, ditemani coffee and Tea.

Usai makan siang, sudah siap kembali tancap gass?

Mari melanjutkan Adventure dikawasan Kintamani sampai anda puas.

Tentunya semua akan di sesuaikan dengan kondisi fisik peserta juga keadaan Cuaca disekitar Kintamani.

Jika semua memungkinkan, kegiatan ini akan berakhir maksimal pukul 17:00

Karena hari mulai gelap dan jarang sekali motocross memiliki lampu sorot.

Estimasi Rundown Trail Trek Tabanan Bali

Bagi anda yang lebih menyukai pantai, Tabanan Area merupakan trek yang cocok untuk anda.

Dan tentunya basecamp utama kami berada dikawasan ini.

Bagi anda yang memilih trek Tabanan anda akan kami jemput antara pukul 09;00/11;00 semua tergantung posisipenginapan tempat anda.

Setibanya di Meeting point anda dapat merequest makan siang, tentunya ada extra charge diluar paket kami.

Usai makan siang, kegiatan bisa dimulai, seperti biasa sebelum kegiatan kami akan menghimbau anda untuk mengikuti arahan dari team leader kami.

Tentunya semua demi kebaikan dan keselamatan anda pribadi.

Jika pasang surut laut memungkinkan, maka trek pertama yang akan kita trabas adalah trek pantai sekitar (Pantai Pasut, Klating, Yeh Gangga, Batu Tepeh, Fix Stone)

Sepanjang kegiatan ini, kami akan menyiapkan air mineral serta akan stop di beberapa warung kopi untuk break.

Dan tentunya paket ini sudah mengcover coffee break dengan ketentuan belanja yang sudah dianggarkan oleh team leader.

dan seluruh trek tersebut dapat ditrabas oleh peserta jika kondisi fisik peserta dan cuaca mendukung :

Trek Sawah, View Gunung, Bike Park, Air Terjun Mini, dan tentunya menikmati sunset di Pantai.

Di Finish point tentu kami sudah siapkan kamar Bilas, serta handuk bersih untuk anda mandi dan mengganti pakaian.

Balinese Dinner anda special private balinese dance

Bagi anda para pecinta budaya Bali, kami juga dapat menyediakan special Private Dinner, yang dikombinasikan dengan tarian Bali yang dipersembahkan untuk anda.

Tarian berupa barong dance, tektekan, atau keris dance, dan anda juga bisa belajar menari jika anda mau.

Lokasi yang benar-benar exsotis yaitu di Puri Anyar Bali.

Dengan menu andalan Halal Balinese Food, pelayanan terbaik, dekorasi yang estetik serta private area untuk anda.

Dan anda juga akan diajak berkeliling area yang merupakan peninggalan Bali dimasalalu.

Ada banyak sekali budaya dan pembelajaran lain yang bisa anda dapatkan disini.

Melukat di Sebatu Holy Spring Temple Bali

Hallo sobat Ex Adventure.

Kali ini kita membahas tentang Bali ni.

Pulau dewata nan cantik ini memang memiliki banyak pesona.

Mulai dari alamnya yang cantik, sampai culture nya yang menarik untuk kita pelajari.

Nah rupanya disana culture melukat.

Dan kegiatan ini bahkan sudah pernah diikuti berbagai kalangan artis.

Apa itu melukat?

Melukat merupakat ritual traditional Bali.

Yaitu sebuah rangkaian proses untuk mensucikan diri.

Membersihkan hati, pikiran serta jiwa.

Ritual ini sudah sangat dikenal dan dirasakan manfaatnya oleh banyak orang untuk mendatangkan ketenangan Batin dan kedamaian jiwa.

Tradisi melukat sendiri merupakan tradisi umat hindu di Bali.

Melukat dipercaya mampu menangkal berbagai hal negatif.

Seperti mimpi buruk, penyakit, perasaan resah, dan berbagai hal yang dirasakan mengganggu.

Melukat merupakan wisata spiritual yang bisa kamu lakukan di Holy water Sebatu.

Berlokasi di tegal alang kab. Gianyar Bali.

3 The best destinations in Mengwi Bali

1 Taman Ayun Temple

Taman Ayun Temple, located in the village of Mengwi, Badung Regency,

about 18 km to the west of Denpasar.

This temple is very beautiful, in accordance with its name, which means temple in a beautiful garden.

In addition to beautiful, Taman Ayun Temple is also considered to have historical value,

so that in 2002 the local government of Bali proposed to UNESCO that the temple is included in the World Heritage List.

Pura Taman Ayun is a Mother (Paibon) for the kingdom of Mengwi.

This temple was built by Mengwi King, I Gusti Agung Putu, in 1556 Saka (1634 AD).

At first, I Gusti Agung Putu build a temple in the northern village of Mengwi to a place of worship of their ancestors.

The temple called Taman Genter.

When Mengwi has developed into a great kingdom,

I Gusti Agung Putu moved Genter Park eastward and expand the building.

The temple has been expanded as Taman Ayun inaugurated on Tuesday POND-

Medangsia fourth month of Saka 1556.

Until now, every Tuesday POND wuku Medangsia according pananggalan Saka, in this temple held piodalan (ceremony) to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the temple.

Bali Sea Cruise Lembongan

Bali Cruises are great and exciting cruise to explore the Blue Ocean and Lembongan Island as the destination.

You will get a fantastic experience during your lovely holiday in Bali with luxurious Boat.

Bali Sea Cruise will invite you to wade the Bali Sea and go to Lembongan Island

by very comfortable boat with a crew that is professional and experienced.

Your tour will enter the waters of Nusa Lembongan (Lembongan Island) famous with white sand,

clear sea water, coral beauty and cleanliness of beaches and lot of colorful fish can be found bere,

and the shipping service will take you to all the desired.

It provides a choice of four luxurious sea cruise to Lembongan or Nusa Penida recommend Bali Hai Cruise, Bounty Cruise.

The best destinations in Klungkung Bali

Kertha Gosa

Welcome to Kerta Semarapura Gosa in Klungkung Bali

is one of the famous tourist destinations in Bali and many visited by tourists every day.

Kertha Gosa is located in the heart Semarapura and the name was taken

from Sanskrit which means Peace Kertha and Gosa from Gosita means announcement.

Thus, the meaning of Kertha Gosa is a building in the form of Bale for the king

who serves as a place to announce the legislation, jurisdiction, penalization etc.,

Kertha Gosa building is very unique and full of high artistic value, so this place is a unique place for visit in Bali.

Kertha Gosa is in place to Visit in Bali

As a former kingdom, fair if Klungkung has many relics which is now a tourist attraction.

One is the Taman Gili Kerta Gosa, Klungkung Semarapura cultural heritage palace.

Kerta Gosa is a building (Bale) who is part of the palace complex of buildings Semarapura and has been built around the year 1686

by the founder of the first holder of the throne of power and the kingdom of Klungkung Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe.

Gosa kerta consists of two buildings (bale) that Gosa and Bale Bale akerta Kambang.


Called Kambang Bale because the building is surrounded by a pond that is Taman Gili.

Uniqueness Kerta Gosa with Kambang Bale is on the surface of the ceiling or ceiling bale is decorated

with traditional paintings of Kamasan style (a village in Klungkung)

or puppet style that is very popular among the people of Bali.

At first, the paintings that adorn the ceiling of the building was made of cloth and parba.

New since 1930 replaced and built on top of the plasterboard

and then restored to the original picture intact until now.

As cultural heritage palace Semarapura, Kerta Gosa and Bale Kambang

enabled to hear the case and place where religious ceremonies are

especially ya cutting teeth (mepandes) like sons and daughters of the king.

Kerta Gosa was also once functioned as a court hall that during the Dutch colonial bureaucracy in Klungkung (1908-1942)

and since the appointment of indigenous officials became head of the kingdom of Klungkung

(Ida I Dewa Agung Klungkung State) in 1929.

In fact, the former supplies the court in the form of chairs and tables carved wood and paint wear prade still there.

The objects are evidence of indigenous heritage of traditional

institutions such as the courts ever apply in Klungkung in the colonial period (1908- 1942)

and the period of Japanese occupation (1043-1945).

In 1930, the restoration of a painting ever done puppet contained in Kerta Gosa and Bale Kambang

by the artists of Kamasan painting.

Restoration of the last painting done in 1960.

The Most Favorite Tourist Destinations in Kintamani Bali


Kintamani is the most favorite tourist destinations in Bali with aktif.

Mount Batur volvano and lake are beautiful.

Kintamani is surrounded by the captivating nature and there are six ancient villages around cauldron of Batur Lake which is often referred to by Bali Age Village.

The local people of Bali Age villages has a unique culture, home and lifestyle.

Kintamani Area is consisted of some Villages Kedisan, Fruits, Abang, Trunyan, Songan, South Batur, Batur.

 Central, North Batur, Kintamani Sukawana and Village.

Total population in this area is about 15 thousand who are mostly working as farmer, merchant, work in the tourism industry.

Kintamani Volcano and Lake Batur

Mount Batur is located at Kintamani and it has erupted about 24 times since 1800 nd is still active today.

Since the volcano erupted, has an impact on the lives of local communities around the mountain,

like removing altar (temple), improve or repairing the village and re-arrange the tradition.

Lake batur is the largest lake in Bali and functioning as irrigation source to all framers around it and also for all Bali society generally.

Kintamani area has been founded some lodging, hotels and restaurant are located in the village of Kintamani and Penelokan.

It is a famous tourist place because Kintamani area has a beautiful panoramic view and surrounded by a cold atmosphere.

Kintamani is in place to Visit in Bali

 Kintamani looks beautiful during the day around 10:00am until 15:00pm

especially having fine weather where entire Kintamani area will be able to be seen cleary.

In general, all the tourists who visit this place will arrive in the afternoon where they can enjoy the panorama or enjoy lunch at a local restaurant with lake views.

Most restaurant at Kintamani generally have a very beautiful, where tourists congregate lunch at this restaurant and while enjoying the beautiful panorama.

3 important destinations when you are in Gianyar Bali


Taman Nusa located at Jalan Taman Bali – Banjar Banjarangka Blahpane kelod, Sidan Village, Gianyar Bali,

approximately 30 minutes from the city of Denpasar.

It is a cultural tourist park provide a thorough knowledge about the culture of the various ethnic Indonesian bland of Bali in a natural atmosphere.

Taman Nusa mission is to make the park as a means of preservation of cultural, recreational and didactic for both local and foreign visitors to better understand Indonesian culture in a way that is engaging and interactive.

In the area of I5 hectares, visitors had the opportunity to explore and enjoy the panoramie view of the passage of time Bangsa Indonesia,

starting from prehistoric, Bronze Age, the kingdom until the village culture of Indonesia.

The journey continues into the early days of Indonesia, the independence era, the present and end up in hopes of a future Indonesia.

In the area of 15 bectares, visitors are invited to explore and enjoy the panoramic view of the passage of time the Indonesian people from time to time, starting from:


Period Bronze

The period of the Kingdom

With one of masterpiece Borobudur.

Cultural Village

More than 60 traditional houses, some of them hundreds of years old.

Visitors had the opportunity to know different ethnic, cultural arts and crafts as well as Indonesia.

Indonesia Beginning

There is a statue of Gajah Mada Mahapatih, Temple Gate Trowulan and Youth Pledge.

Independent Indonesia

There is a statue Proclaimers Mr Sukarno and Hatta Proclamation of Indonesian Independence as well as text.

Indonesia Today

Indonesia today is shown with a miniature railway diorama with HO scale (1:87), in an area of 200 m2 with panoramic views of nature and cities of Indonesia.

Miniature is equipped with more than 50 locomotives and 300 freight cars and passenger cars are controlled using a computer.

Hope Indonesia Future

In the region there are moden themed libraries and three museums that display the cultural heritage of Indonesia,

such as puppets, batik, woven and embroidered awesome.

2 Typical Souvenirs Bali

Center souvenirs Segara Windu a shopping souvenirs typical of Ball, ranging from hand craft, clothing, to food and fruits.

This place can be an alternative for you to look for souvenirs for family, friends, or relatives.

In addition to spacious and clean place the price is too low and it is definitely, so you do not need to bargain again.

3 Jimbaran Cafe Seafood

Menu Jimbaran Beach is a famous beach with white sand along the beach and is located in the southern part of Bali.

There are many cafes are available in this place and offers a variety of seafood delicacies for dinner while looking at the view of the Indian Ocean and exotic sunsets.

Please choose Seafood Menu at Jimbaran cafe.