5 interesting destinations in Karang Asem Bali

5 interesting destinations in Karang Asem Bali

1 Tenganan Village


Tenganan is one of the traditional villages located in Karangasem regency.

Tenganan Village attractions can be reached by driving about 10 minutes from attractions Candidasa.

Tenganan Village is one of the villages that still maintain the lifestyle community governance refers to the traditional rules of customary village ancestors bequeathed to them that are called Bali Aga village.

According to historical records,

Tenganan community actually comes from Peneges village, Gianyar, formerly called the Village Bedahulu.

According to folklore, the ancient king who ruled in Bedahulu loses his favorite white horse,

so diperintahkanlah to find the horse.

Once the horse was finally found, but unfortunately the horse was found to be dead.

King of grief, but he still appreciates the hard work of the inventor named Ki Patih Alas Blue.

As a reward, he was given an area of land as far as the smell of dead horses still smells.

By Ki Patih Blue Alas, the horse carcass dismembered and scattered in several parts of the hills and beaches around Tenganan,

so the stench wafted in the wide area coverage covers an area of Candidasa beach,

to the western hill (Bukit Kauh) and East Hill (Bukit Kangin).

The shape and the layout of the building is still following the traditional rules of heredity that is still maintained today.

In addition to the original shape of the building is still traditional,

Tenganan also famous tourist traditional ceremony known as the Pandan War.

This ceremony can be seen usually in June and lasts for 30 days.

2 Cave Lawah / Bat Cave Pura

Goa Lawah in Dawan sub district, Klungkung regency, about 49 kilometers from Denpasar.

This temple is inside a cave that housed thousands of bats at dusk.

For the Balinese Hindu community, including as a temple of Goa Lawah Universe Kahyangan or heaven Sad.

The view that given this attraction is quite interesting, because visitors can see the temple lined right at the mouth of the cave.

Pura Goa Lawah in coastal areas that met the hilly region.

Even the cave reportedly Lawah actually penetrating to regions Besakih Bedugul, Tabanan regency.

But since the earthquake in 1917, the cave Lawah be closed.

Who built the temple of Goa Lawah until now unknown due to very old age,

so that there are no speakers who really knows for sure its history.

In addition to providing a unique experience and historical tourism,

visitors can try a culinary tour around the temple Goa Lawah.

There are a few stalls that provide food and stalls Balinese seafood satay and grilled fish supply.


Bali is known as the ‘island of a thousand temples’ because on this island there are more than 11,000 building temple.

That said, in some places in Bali, the number of temples and even exceeds the number of homes.

One of the biggest temple which is considered as the mother temple in Bali (the mother temple) is Besakih.

Besakih Temple is located in kakiGunung Agung, the highest mountain on the island of Bali which the local people regarded as a sacred mountain.

On March 17, 1963 (another version says March 18) Mount Agung erupted and killed more than 1,000 people and damaged the surrounding villages.

But that fascinate, Besakih ‘untouched’ by the natural disaster,

but the distance is only about 1 km from the summit of Mount Agung.

According to the story develops, the location of the temple have been considered a sacred area.

In the ancient Javanese language, Besakih, Wasuki, or basuki meaning “congratulations”.

In addition, the name of Besakih was also associated with the Dragon Basuki,

the figure of a dragon that becomes part of the public confidence on the slopes of Mount Agung in the pre-Hindu.

Hence this temple is considered as a holy place, then the visitors who want to enter the temple complex are required to wear gloves Balinese.


Besakih is a complex of Hindu temples which consists of 22 building temple.

According to estimates by experts, the development process Besakih take over 1,000 years to reach its present form.

Evidence of past history megalithic relics found around this temple complex, such as menhirs, stone throne, and strengthen the structure of the pyramid-shaped terrace that estimate.

This temple is built on the concept of Tri Hita Karana,

the concept of balance between man, nature and God.

Structuring the temple building adapted to the direction of the wind so that the structures can represent nature as symbolism of the balance.

Each direction of the wind is called a mandala with the ruling deity called “Gods Chess Lokapala”.

As the center (pivot / center) of the four cardinal directions are Penataran Besakih,

the biggest temple dedicated to Shiva surrounded by pretending to others.

To the east there is Penataran Dark Temple used to worship

the god Iswara; to the south there Pura Kiduling Kereteg to worship

Lord Brahma; on the west side is Ulun Kulkul to worship

the god Mahadeva; and on the north side is the temple Batumadeg intended to worship Lord Vishnu.

In the complex Besakih often held assorted Hindu rituals culminating in the celebration of one hundred years each Besakih called Ekadasa Rudra (last done in 1979).

In addition to enjoying a relic of history, distinctive architecture,

as well as the celebration of religious rites in the temples, tourists can also equip excursions to climb Mount Agung.

4 Tirta Gangga Park

Tirta gangga attractions located in the village of Abang,

Abang District, Karangasem.

This place is the most eastern region of the island of Gods.

Just 6 miles north of the city Amlapura.

The travel time from Denpasar to this place about 1.5 hours away by car.

Tirtagangga founded in 1948 by King of Karangasem used sebgai last resting place of the royal family.

Attractions in Bali offers views, a stunning location next spring swimming pool,

the surrounding area there are vast stretches of paddy fields, the atmosphere of the place is pretty cool.

It has a strong historical value when the Karangasem kingdom era.

Various facilities are provided this region, the location of the car park is quite extensive, provided restaurant, food stalls, drinks, gift shop, and also some attractive accommodation offers views of the rice fields.

Its architecture is a blend of European,

Chinese and traditional Balinese architecture.

panorama is very beautiful

Surrounded by a panorama is very beautiful, so make Tirtagangga be an important tour destination to visit in the East path.

i Take a trip with the family and kids to the Eastern region with a visit to the park Tirtagangga this is the right choice.

Imagine the atmosphere in her rural stretch of rice fields in the air wrapped in cool air, furnished, garden and swimming pool of natural spring water foothills, clear and cool, so it feels freshness.

What an enjoyable holiday.

There are several home stay with a low rental price, fill out the holidays with family, spouse, loved ones and colleagues in the area east of the island of Gods attraction.

Springs which are stored inside the bathing pool Tirtagangga enough to irrigate the surrounding rice fields.

North side there is a small hill Tirtagangga used to venue,

this is really interesting, what does not, from this valley can be seen to freely stretch of rice fields stretching to the South from the North to withdraw plastered in front of the eye,

especially when the sun rises from behind the hills Lempuyang or also called summit of Mount Bisbis,

where the location of Pura Luhur Lempuyang.

Tirtagangga has moderate weather, relatively cool, so that always gives a fresh and comfortable atmosphere.

Really garden baths, deserves a priority for your tour to visit the eastern part.

5 Taman Ujung Karangasem Sukasada

Bali attractions is seemingly inexhaustible.

Travel from stunning beaches, sea, Temples, Mountains, Lake, Waterfall, Up Park is laid out beautifully, all in Bali.

Taman Ujung is one of the beautiful park of the many attractions in Bali.

Taman Ujung or also called Soekasada Park located at Tumbi village,

Karangasem district, located approximately 85 km from Denpasar or 5 Km south Amlapura.

Taman Ujung

Taman Ujung was built by the king of Karangasem in 1919 and was inaugurated precisely three years later in 1921

or intended for the resting place of the king and his family while also to entertain guests of honor who come to Amed as a state guest,

the king’s friend.

in addition to serve as a tourist location and has a high historical value and has a very central role in the context of state.

Here we can see the blue waters of eastern Bali and the majestic Mount Agung,

and surrounding areas are filled with vast paddy fields and lush hills.

There is a long concrete bridge that connects the parking area and the area of the palace.

At the end of the bridge there is an enormous garden.

And the northern side there is a small square white building located in the center of the main pool which is connected by two bridges on either side.

Next to the pool there is a small garden decorations, flower pots, and sculptures.

The shape of the building in Taman Ujung was built with a distinctive design and a magnificent blend of authentic Balinese architecture with Europe.

The building previously was functioning as a king bed room, meeting room, family room, and more.

Here you can see the old photos of Taman Ujung and also some photos of the royal family.

If visitors already in the top of the hill it will be able to watch Balinese landscapes beautiful and enchanting difficult to obtain in other tourist spots in Bali.

Welcome Visit

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